
18930173 © Mike Zakharov | Dreamstime.com
Advancements in hydraulic component and system designs will help to ensure they remain a vital part of various machine and vehicle designs.

Assessing Future Design Needs for Hydraulics and Pneumatics

The 2023 NFPA Technology Roadmap outlines the key areas in which the fluid power industry should focus future development initiatives.
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Emerging Technologies

Five Emerging Technology Trends for Mechanical Engineers

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers has identified key technology trends transforming the field of engineering.
Technical Services (UK) Ltd
Technical Services is now a key supplier for the Shell E-Thermal Fluid E5 M which helps to ensure proper thermal management for batteries and other electric vehicle components.

This Week in Power & Motion: Technical Services Supplying Shell Thermal Fluid for Electric Vehicles

Technical Services has become a key supplier of the Shell Thermal Fluid for batteries and other electric vehicle components, Poclain Hydraulics recognized for supplier excellence...
Bosch Rexroth
Production of mobile hydraulic components has begun at Bosch Rexroth's new manufacturing facility in Mexico.

This Week in Power & Motion: Bosch Rexroth Begins Production at New Manufacturing Facility in Mexico

Bosch Rexroth's new manufacturing facility will help meet demand for mobile hydraulic and factory automation technology, Hexagon acquires a provider of software for metal 3D printing...
Epiroc and SSAB are researching the potential of using fossil-free steel to 3D print spare parts and machine components.
3D Printing

Manufacturers Researching More Sustainable Component Production Process

Epiroc and SSAB are researching the use of fossil-free steel and 3D printing to manufacture hydraulic and other components for mining equipment.
Aidro Hydraulics & 3D Printing (a Desktop Metal company)
Additive manufacturing enables the creation of new and optimized component designs.
3D Printing

Additive Manufacturing Brings Opportunities to Improve Component Design and Production

New design options and reductions to production time and costs are possible with additive manufacturing.
Aidro Hydraulics & 3D Printing (a Desktop Metal company)
A comparison of the design changes possible with 3D printing. The valve in the foreground is 3D printed while the one in the background is manufactured using traditional methods.

Lightweight Hydraulics Offer New Opportunities to Manufacturers

Reducing the weight of hydraulic components can benefit an array of industries and bring about new design options.