Free online PLC training

Company Offers Free Online Training on PLCs

Jan. 29, 2019
AutomationDirect is offering free access to online PLC training videos.

AutomationDirect first partnered with Interconnecting Automation in 1996 to create a hands-on training program to familiarize users width the ins and outs of its programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The program evolved into of an online video training series encompassing different levels of training—from entry-level programming to advanced PLC functions. High demand and requests for field training in industrial automation have led AutomationDirect to offer unlimited access to selected Interconnecting Automation training series for anyone interested in learning about industrial controllers. A repository of training videos is available to all registrants free of charge.

One online video series initially offered covers non-brand specific PLC basics with topics on logic gates, basic switches, sinking and sourcing, scan time, I/O fundamentals, memory addressing, and more. Also available with the initial release are videos specifically covering AutomationDirect’s CLICK PLC.  Here, topics include how to use the machine’s navigation, address picker, rung editor, logic instructions, internal control relays, data view window, and many other functions.

These free online PLC training courses are available 24/7, allowing users to learn at their convenience and at their own pace. To get unlimited access to the free online PLC training program, or to learn more about what is provided, click here.

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