No Handshake

IFPE Organizers Announce “No Handshake” Policy

Feb. 28, 2020
The directive will be in effect at the International Fluid Power Exposition in response to the ongoing Coronavirus threat.

Organizers of the 2020 International Fluid Power Exposition (IFPE) have announced a “No Handshake” policy at this year’s event.

With global health concerns about COVID-19 in mind, the organizers of CONEXPO-CON/AGG & IFPE 2020 in Las Vegas (March 10-14) are prioritizing attendee and exhibitor health and safety.

“We recognize news about COVID-19 is a concern and we want to be as transparent as possible about what we are doing to provide a safe and successful experience for everyone at the show,” said Dana Wuesthoff, CONEXPO-CON/AGG show director.

The show organizers have arranged for “No Handshake” buttons and stickers to be distributed at the show. Additional precautions will include signage throughout the show to remind attendees of hygiene best practices and guidelines provided by the CDC. Attendees can also expect to find hand-sanitizer stations across the show floor, grounds and meeting rooms, and the cleaning schedule of all public areas have also been increased.

In an online statement, the show organizers said they are monitoring the news and will follow protocols provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Efforts are also underway to manage travel from high-risk areas, including communications with McCarran Airport, which has stated that no flights from China are allowed to land at McCarran and they are following protocols set by the Trump administration.

Access the show update on COVID-19/Coronavirus here.  

In the interest of keeping everyone as healthy as possible, Wuesthoff recommends attendees replace their customary handshake “with something as simple as a thumbs-up, a wave, a fist or elbow bump, or even the exchange of mobile phone numbers.”

Held every three years, IFPE is co-located with the CONEXPO-CON/AGG construction equipment show at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The event brings together the largest collection of fluid power experts and practitioners in North America.

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