Figure 1. In a doubly compensated transmission, rising pressure causes a decrease in pump displacement and an increase in motor displacement.
First, efficiency often is implied as “constant throughout the operating range of the machine in question, such as a pump, motor, or cylinder.” Second, the quoted value is usually the peak value that’s achievable by the machine. This is simply not a valid use of known efficiency values.
Industry applies well-known efficiencies to pumps and motors, namely volumetric efficiency (ηV) and mechanical efficiency (Hm). Both are calculated as ratios of ideal to actual flow and torque, or vice versa.
They are somewhat artificial and depend on knowledge of the machine’s displacement, which doesn’t conveniently yield to direct measurement. Instead, it requires some judicious assumptions or total reliance on empirical methods. This doesn’t minimize their value, though, as both of these artifices are employed in pump and motor development.
Overall efficiency (ηO) is the ratio of actual delivered output power to total input power. This “real” efficiency can be determined by means of objective measurements.
It is common knowledge that efficiencies are not constant, but, rather, vary with current operating conditions (e.g., pressure, flow, load torque, speed, etc.) from near zero to values that approach near 100%. As a result, they require interpretation.
Lost Power Method
A better method for assessing losses accrued in rotating machinery is the lost powerconcept. For each machine and each component, suitable mathematical models that use measured input and output power can calculate the amount of power lost (Wlost) to friction and internal leakage. Like efficiency, it’s simple in principle:
Wlost= Win– Wout
Lost power’s main advantage is that actual power levels are retained in any desired system of units. Efficiency is always relative, considering that it’s a dimensionless ratio. The lost power, like efficiency, varies with the operating conditions, such as pressure, speed, and load. However, because actual units of power are retained, the lost-power curve for a machine helps determine the total energy lost during, say, a normal operating shift or any desired time interval.