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H&P Insights: Sizing Up Your Pump Efficiency; Making Sense of Sensor Data; IDEA! Awards Deadline is July 9

June 30, 2021
A review of the day’s top trending stories from Hydraulics & Pneumatics editors.

Sizing Up Your Pump Efficiency

While creating a compact footprint for pumps is an important consideration, it cannot come at the expense of the power needed to make that pump efficient and effective, as a recent Hydraulics & Pneumatics article points out.

“Many industries have been affected by the drive for smaller machinery, but it seems construction and agriculture are at the forefront. Skid loaders, windrowers and other equipment common in these industries have been getting smaller for years, driven primarily by a need for more efficiency,” author Brent Schenk of Eaton notes. “Whether that efficiency is needed to meet regulatory standards or simply to lower operational or overall costs, machine size is a factor designers must consider.

“Of course, as efficiency demands increase, so have productivity demands,” Schenk adds. “An efficient machine that makes the jobsite inefficient helps no one; the machinery must maintain power and maneuverability despite a smaller and smaller size.”

Making Sense of Sensor Data

Low sensor prices and sophisticated software programs have allowed the capture of more plant floor data than ever before. So what’s the next step? Doing something with that data.

As a recent Hydraulics & Pneumatics article explains, just capturing the data leaves you with nothing but numbers unless you do the next step in the process. “Adding devices to monitor operating conditions does little if you can’t put that feedback into context,” writes Ian Miller of Motion. “The importance of the information gleaned from the repair and refurbishment of equipment can’t be understated. This should be a critical component of any downtime reduction strategy, as it can deliver more than just the face-value savings that result from repair versus replace.

“Properly analyzing the mode of failure can provide valuable information about what caused that failure, and thus can be used in an effort to resolve underlying issues,” Miller adds. “Resolving these underlying issues is the true key to avoiding future unscheduled downtime.”

 IDEA! Awards Entry Deadline is July 9

The deadline to enter the 2021 IDEA! Awards is now just 10 days away. 2021 IDEA! Awards will highlight the top innovative products created in the last year. The awards program is a showcase for new engineering solutions. It also provides great value for everyone who enters.

Get your entry in today. Also, please plan to join us at the 2021 IDEA! Conference in Cleveland. It will be three days of great information and an opportunity to reconnect after more than a year apart.

Click here for a link to the entry form. It’s important to act soon: Entry deadline is July 9 at 5 p.m. CST.

About the Author

Bob Vavra | Senior Content Director, Power & Motion and Machine Design

Bob Vavra is the Senior Content Director of Power & Motion and its sister publication Machine Design. Vavra has had a long career in publishing, media and events. He has covered all aspects of manufacturing for the past 20 years and is a regular attendee at events such as IMTS and Hannover Messe. Vavra is also a sought-after webcast moderator and event emcee, and has presided over events in the U.S., Germany and China. 

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