Applying the right amount of pressure at the right time can be critical to the performance of a pneumatics-based system. To do so, pressure regulators are often used.
By integrating electronics with these devices, as Proportion-Air has done, pressure control can become even more accurate. The company’s QBX proportional electro-pneumatic pressure regulator is a closed-loop device which provides accurate and repeatable pressure control.
According to Jon Lister, Manager of Technical Development at Proportion-Air, the QBX works the same as most modern pressure regulators available in the market today. However, the inclusion of an electronic control system helps to provide a higher level of accuracy and repeatability. As such, these pressure regulators are commonly used in automation related applications because of the accuracy they can provide.
READ MORE: A Primer on Pneumatic Pressure Regulators
In addition, the QBX overcomes some of the challenges of earlier designs in that it can better adjust pressure according to the application need. “If something downstream of the system…[changes] as part of process changes or as something moves around, the QBX will be monitoring that and make adjustments,” he explained.
In this Power & Motion interview with Lister, he provides an overview of how the QBX pressure regulator works as well as the benefits offered and ways in which it can be used in various industries and applications.