Amberg, Germany-based Deprag Schultz Gmbh & Co. has developed a new idea for their line of air motors. For the first time, it is possible to exchange the vanes on an airmotor without completely disassembling the motor or even uninstalling the motor. This feature, which allows the motor to remain attached to the equipment, does not waste valuable production time needed for the removal of a motor for maintenance.
By using an Allen-key and a tweezers, it is now possible to exchange the vanes in minimal time by untrained personnel. Therefore, maintenance requirements, when compared to standard air motors, is considerably reduced.
This design is available for the Basic-Line air motor series, which include three powerclass series with 200W, 400W, and 600W. There are eight different planetary-gears available for each power stage. Each gearstage is equipped with high-grade, anti-friction planetary gears, which assure a high longevity even at the highest load. Other advantages include high power density, small size, robustness, simple adjustability, and load capability to a full standstill.
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